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Saturday, July 18, 12pm: The Perfect Summer Lunch with Scott Megill
Saturday, July 18, 12pm: The Perfect Summer Lunch with Scott Megill
Price $50.00

Seats Remaining:SOLD OUT

Want a delicious celebration of all things summer? We’re here for it… and so is veteran COOKing instructor Scott Megill. Scott has worked in celebrated kitchens including Supper, Styer’s Garden Café, Talula’s Table and Talula’s Daily, where he earned 3 bells from Philadelphia Inquirer critic Craig Laban, and most recently Grace Winery. Wherever he goes, Scott focuses on local, seasonal, farm-to-table fare and his July COOKing lesson  is no exception. Join us for a late summer lunch demo of corn soup, porchetta, polenta, roasted mushrooms and dandelion greens.