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Wednesday, July 22, 6pm: Plant-Based Perfection with Christina Martin
Wednesday, July 22, 6pm: Plant-Based Perfection with Christina Martin
Price $40.00

Seats Remaining:SOLD OUT

Summer is that magical time when a trip to the farmers market inspires  us to lighten our diet with nature’s bounty!  Join Philadelphia-based vegan chef and healthy food advocate Christina Martin for a plant-based session that highlights two green giants of the farmers market – cucumbers and kale. Learn how to make your own quick pickle cucumbers and a crispy kale dish that also features roasted veggies, lentils and a miso dressing. While working toward her culinary degree, Christina had the opportunity to work in the kitchens of Blackfish, Village Belle and Vedge. She seeks to share her love for cooking through educating with a focus on teaching the basics of healthy and locally sustainable cooking.